Recognizing and Honoring Your Efforts
Recipe Marcia Bertschi Recipe Marcia Bertschi

Recognizing and Honoring Your Efforts

Building confidence and having satisfaction starts with recognizing the efforts you have and will put in. Perfection is an ideal, not reality. You learn and grow from reflecting and honoring what you did do.

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Lessons Learned - Three Fundamentals to Managing the Caregiver Process
Recipe Marcia Bertschi Recipe Marcia Bertschi

Lessons Learned - Three Fundamentals to Managing the Caregiver Process

Being a caregiver was one of the hardest and most fulfilling roles I have ever had. Preparing yourself for the journey ahead by learning about the disease, how you can support, developing a community of care, having a respite plan and paying attention to yourself, help to navigate this difficult road and create moments of joy.

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