Unlock peak productivity: Master the art of time management

Boost your productivity and satisfaction by exploring the art of time management!

  • For an overview of tools and concepts, join my free one-hour webinar, “Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals

    • Monday January 8, 2023, 12:00 noon

    • Cost: $0

    • Sign up by emailing me at Marcia.Bertschi@gmail.com

  • For a deeper dive and practical application to your work, enroll in my monthly webinar series for March 2023, “Time Management Skills = High Performance and Less Stress

    • Four 2-hour sessions via Zoom

    • Tuesdays: March 5, 12, 19, and 26

    • 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

    • Cost: $100

    • Reserve your spot by emailing me at Marcia.Bertschi@gmail.com

Why can time management be so challenging?

  • Jobs may have a variety of different aspects and skill requirements

  • You may be coping with significant changes (supply and demand fluctuations, technology issues, etc.)

  • If your work is collaborative, that also adds complexity (variability in process, experience, etc.)

  • A reactive (rather than proactive) work environment creates extra challenges

Strategies for effective time management:

  1. Assess the present state:

    Identify what’s working well and what isn’t, and understand why.

  2. Focus on value-generating tasks:

    Use tools such as priority matrices and value stream mapping that helps eliminate waste and define value from the customer’s perspective.

  3. Streamline, automate and delegate:

    Ensure tasks are done effectively and that you are working to full scope.

  4. Work within your capacity:

    Create flow by using strategies such as block scheduling and regular breaks

  5. Influence your organization’s culture:

    Foster a positive work culture; this can help improve productivity. Negotiate changes as needed and communicate with others

  6. Use tools purposefully:

    Choose and implement tools that align with your goals, and establish norms and systems

  7. Manage procrastination:

    Release perfectionism and create accountability.

Looking at both your personal and professional life through a time management lens empowers you to allocate time effectively and execute activities successfully. As you reflect on and implement new tools, you'll gain confidence in how you allocate your time, turning your schedule into a source of enjoyment rather than a perpetual challenge.


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